Another ‘hit piece’ on the Q movement

TAs far as I am concerned, the jury is still out on the Q movement. Nobody seems willing, outside that group, to give them the benefit of the doubt. Another sneering hit piece here.

The last sentence of that piece, directed at the anons:

“…if you want to keep digging that hole, dig far away from the rest of us.”

What did I say in my previous piece? That the ‘conservatives’ were afraid of the Q movement ‘making them look bad’ by association? That’s always the refrain of the ‘safe’ conservatives, who are worried about looking bad — in whose eyes exactly? Why? The ‘respectable’ conservatives seem more concerned with image than substance or principles.

I get the impression, perhaps because of the author referring to Trump as a ‘little troll’, that the writer was a ‘never-Trumper’ Republican. Maybe the writer is not aware that the vast majority of American voters voted for Trump. He was not some obscure Presidential aspirant. He garnered something like 78 million votes. And yet the writer puts the term steal in scare quotes, as if the whole thing was a figment of some “QTard’s” imagination. No, 78 million Americans were deprived of their choice in this travesty of an election. To let something like that go unchallenged, to accept it meekly, is to make a mockery of our system and to wrong the vast majority of the American people. The results of an election having been stolen (yes, it was) include the fact that, given such vote-rigging technology exists, and has been defiantly used by the Left, as if to rub our noses in their crime, we cannot ever trust our electoral system or those who control it, ever again. Honest elections are not possible after this. Maybe the writer is fine with that; most of us are not.

The writer of that piece seems to agree with the Lying Left that Trump somehow incited violence at that Capitol rally. He did not. His words said nothing to that effect. In fact the so-called “insurrection” had already begun while Trump was speaking. Maybe the author agrees with the Left that his words were some secret “dog-whistle” code such as the Left always alleges when they don’t like what we say.

In fact, that “dog-whistle’ allegation which the Left always invokes when they have nothing else, is a type of a ”Conspiracy Theory”, in fact a ‘wacky’ conspiracy theory, such as the Left and the Faux Right accuse others of, while they themselves indulge in their own ‘conspiracy theories’. And somehow the very idea of a ‘conspiracy’ seems to have been twisted to mean ‘a lie‘ or a wild rumor with no substance to it. Now how did this distortion of language come about? It must have been an effort on the part of people to displace blame, to turn the conversation, a method of evasion of guilt, attempting to direct the blame towards some third party, who made up a ‘wacky conspiracy theory’. Just the term ‘conspiracy theory’ is enough to divert attention and ultimately, blame. Works like a charm most of the time.

Conspiracies are real. They happen. History books tell of many conspiracies. They were true. They happened. Those who found out about them took them seriously, and those who discovered the conspiracy in question must have been given credulity so that the plot could be thwarted. Guy Fawkes’ Gunpowder Plot was discovered because of an anonymous letter to authorities. By the 20th century the anonymous letter-writer might be labeled a ‘crazy conspiracy theorist’ and laughed at.

Some of us on the right have been told that our media put out ‘wacky conspiracy theories’ and the right are accused of spreading ‘fake news.’ Now part of the right is accusing other conservatives and rightists of that. Eating their ‘own’ or those who deviate from respectable ‘received opinion.’

So millions of votes were not stolen. What then? Were they lost? Human error, to the tune of tens of millions? That is a crazy non-conspiracy theory.

It seems to me that TDS is real, and it exists on both sides of the political aisle.

As for me? As I’ve said here before, I am not part of the Q movement. I want them to get a fair shake. They are, in my experience, mostly decent and well-intentioned people. They are also intelligent, not ignoramuses as the author’s ‘parody’ of their speech implies. They are also mostly Christian, and that does not mean members of a ‘wacky fundamentalist’ group or something, as those who stereotype them want to think.

Sure, it’s easy to make the Q people a target, a scapegoat. I hope that will not continue.

Q people are your neighbors, relatives, they are probably much like your Church family, and they are fellow Americans. Journalists: there is no call to make them your enemies. They are on your side even if you are not on theirs.

As for me, I will not likely vote for any ‘R’ candidate ever — not that voting has any further use as of now. And what if the Q followers turn out to be right? I suppose it never enters any of the cynics’ minds that they might be wrong, and wrong on a big scale. At least that scenario is more hopeful than the cynics’ outcome which would be what, exactly? Downfall complete? No hope? That seems to be what they wish for: more of the same. More corruption from both sides, endless decline.

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