The Alexandria shootings and the ‘agenda’

The left is pretty predictable in their habit of calling for gun control whenever any kind of mass shooting happens, and oddly (one might think) even when the shooter is one of their own, one of their fellow fanatic ideologues, like the latest perpetrator.

Actually many if not most of these kinds of shootings are done by lefties, though maybe the mainstream GOP types make too much of the political affiliations of the perps in cases like this. For example, they will gleefully mention that some deranged shooter or assailant was a ‘registered Democrat’ when the important fact that they shy away from mentioning is usually race. If the perpetrator is black, the cucked GOP types will mention his party affiliation long before dreaming of mentioning race or religion (if said perp happens to be, oh, say, Jewish. Some things cannot be mentioned. For instance, the Columbine shootings?)

But in this case, the shooter, in Alexandria, VA, was very much a Democrat and his motivations were political; his intended targets were Republicans or Trump supporters in particular it seems.

Now we’re reading of how the shameless, callous left has been celebrating the shootings on Twitter and other social media. I can’t say I’m surprised; they are without shame or scruple, and it still astounds me how they are able to pull their double standard routine time after time. They have the unmitigated gall to pretend to be compassionate, sensitive ‘pacifists’ and Gandhi-devotees (BTW Gandhi was not as pacifistic as he pretended to be; he just got others to gin up conflicts for him) who shrink from violence. Part of this shameless play-acting of theirs is to pretend to be mortified at the mere thought of firearms, while when one of their own wields a gun, especially in an act of attempted assassination, they cheer it on, and make heartless, cynical statements disparaging the victim(s), especially if said victims are White.

It’s all who is doing what to whom. They heartily approve of violence provided it’s done against White, right-wing males, or even semi-right-wing Whites.

How does one shame people for whom shame is a foreign emotion? How can one stir guilt or conscience in ‘people’ without any sense of guilt, and lacking even the semblance of a conscience?

The left, almost to a man (or woman, or whatever other gender they believe themselves to be) are the clinical definition of psychopaths or sociopaths. I often scoff at psychology/psychiatry as pseudo-science, but if such things as psychopaths and sociopaths exist, the left fits the definition. (Incidentally, it’s sort of delicious for me to be able to cite HuffPost for the definition of those terms; if anybody knows what those terms mean, it’s that crowd.)

  • Prone to nervousness, distress and temper meltdowns, not easily calm and suave like the psychopath

  • Usually not well-educated, often non-gainfully employed, the drifter type, the one whom everyone sees as “troubled” or “disturbed.”

  • Their crimes typically are sloppy rather than meticulously premeditated and planned.

  • Capable of emotional bonds with others, but this is difficult to achieve.

  • Despite the capability of emotional attachments, they disregard social mores as a whole.

Notice they cite Ted Bundy as an example of a psychopath. I will say Ted was just evil and twisted, and leave the faux science to the lefties. I am sure they picked Bundy because he was, firstly, White, second, male, and third, supposedly an active member of the Republican party. Why not cite Coral Eugene Watts or Charles Ng?

The left, in typical not-taking-responsibility fashion, will not own its terrorists or psycho-killers, and when forced to acknowledge them, fall back on victimology excuse-making and rationalizing: ‘victim of racism’ or ‘childhood abuse and poverty’, or in this case, driven to it by Donald Trump, I suppose.

But maybe the left’s constant calls for gun control might be muted if they admitted to themselves that they enjoy seeing their fellow lefty-fanatics blasting away at Evil Whitey Republicans. When guns are outlawed, only right-wing gun-nuts will have guns. No, wait, the lefties represent the lawless, criminal side of society, the side their “hearts” always bleed for, and their kind can always obtain weapons, laws or no laws.


“They” will not divide “us”

Just who are the ‘they‘ in this meme, and who are the ‘us‘ to which this meme alludes?

The ‘they’ who are supposedly out to divide ‘us’ are, presumably, hateful haters who don’t accept the multicultural ‘we’, the pretend unity that the lefties are invoking in the wake of the latest terror attacks.

I guess the ‘they‘ would be ethnonationalists, realists, anti-globalists, anybody who is not conforming to the official multicult dogma, anybody who dissents. People like me, obviously, and presumably people like those who may be reading this blog or others like it.

The enemy, according to the PC meme-makers is not Islam or any other foreign group; it is the citizenry of one’s own country who are not sufficiently submissive to the official party line dogma issued by the globalist overlords and their puppet-rulers in Western countries. Foreign enemies are not in fashion now; what does the Bible say in Matthew 10:36? A man’s enemies will be those of his own household? The left designates us, the dissidents and recalcitrant ‘old Americans’ as their enemy, while expressing solidarity with militant Islam, even as Islam carries out violence against us. Yet some of our folk can’t get it through their heads that we are the enemy to the powers-that-be and their leftist ‘useful idiots.’

In that sense, we are deeply divided already, within our own ‘household’. The divisions are political as well as ethnic, regional, class, religious, sex/gender, generational, and (last but far from least) racial.

We could hardly be more divided than we are.

The left and their globalist bedfellows know this, yet they have the gall to invoke this nonexistent ‘unity’ and to piously proclaim that ”They” will not divide ”us.”

There is no ‘us’ in this country that encompasses all of us, across all the boundaries that I mention above. The powers-that-be and their media stooges have made sure of that. Their constant divisive rhetoric, their ‘divide-and-rule’ memes have left their mark on our society. Sadly few people recognize that these divisions need not exist in the extreme form in which they’ve taken shape even in the last 10 or 15 years. I have to say, when I started blogging only 11 years ago, we were not nearly as riven with dissension and intra-racial animus as we are now.

The same can be said of other once-White countries, to a greater or lesser extent. This is a big part of why we are so vulnerable to what is happening to us now. A house divided against itself cannot stand. (Sadly that last sentence is often attributed to Lincoln when he was merely quoting Jesus Christ).

As far as poisonous memes go, I have to mention another one: this ridiculous idea that if we alter our lives in response to terrorism, if we show fear or even sensible prudence and caution, we are ‘giving in to the terrorists’, because taking precautions against terrorism means, bizarrely, that ”the terrorists will have won.”  So go right out and take chances and risks, as a way of defying those terrorists, whose aim is only to ‘make us change our way of life‘ because they ‘envy our freedoms.

It seems to me that their aim is to kill as many of us as they can and to terrorize us, to make us passive. Incidentally this latter seems to be the goal of the powers-that-be, and our governments. Maybe they are just using Islam and its intrinsic aggression and violence to keep us resigned and passive. False flags? Why bother? Just let the moslems do what comes naturally to them, and there’s no need for complicated false flag conspiracies and crisis actors, etc.

But to return to the original theme of this post, the main work of dividing the once-homogeneous societies was done years ago by the architects of multiculturalism. We tend to blame the leftist parties and politicians, people like Emmanuel Celler and Philip Hart, or Teddy Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. But the GOP has been complicit in this too.

The George W. Bush administration was the main promoter of the meme about how ‘the terrorists will have won’ unless we learn to be oblivious to the terror attacks going on around us.  That meme is seeing a lot of service these days, along with ‘they won’t divide us.’

At the Smash Cultural Marxism blog there’s a very good piece dealing with the ‘unity’ memes, pointing out that we are already divided thanks to ‘diversity’ and multiculturalism, via mass immigration. The time for the ‘they won’t divide us’ mantra would have been pre-1965 in America, before they ripped apart the fabric of our society with mass immigration and slow-motion ethnic cleansing/race replacement.

The time for Britain to have defiantly said ‘they won’t divide us’ would have been pre-1948, before the arrival of the Windrush. As Andrew Joyce points out in the article on the Windrush, the role of Jews was very prominent in that event, which should come as no surprise. So perhaps the roots of the multicultural divisiveness go back much further.

They have divided us already; the division is an accomplished fact. How we can walk things back and restore the cohesion and commonality that once existed is a complicated question.

We’ve already been divided, so pretending that there is some kind of imaginary unity between us and Islam — or us and Jews, or whoever else — is very hollow.

The defiant proclamation ‘they won’t divide us’ should be directed toward those who are responsible for shredding our society every which way, and that ‘they‘ is not nationalists or nativists.


Theresa May: no more ‘safe spaces’ online

Tiberge at GalliaWatch reports that Theresa May issued a communique in Arabic, of all things. A translation is at that blog.

Here’s one of the salient parts:

“Third, while we need to deprive the extremists of their safe spaces online, we must not forget about the safe spaces that continue to exist in the real world. Yes, that means taking military action to destroy ISIS in Iraq and Syria. But it also means taking action here at home. While we have made significant progress in recent years, there is – to be frank – far too much tolerance of extremism in our country.

So we need to become far more robust in identifying it and stamping it out – across the public sector and across society. That will require some difficult and often embarrassing conversations, but the whole of our country needs to come together to take on this extremism – and we need to live our lives not in a series of separated, segregated communities but as one truly United Kingdom.”

What jumps out here is not just the call for some kind of censorship of the Internet, but also the carefully parsed language which condemns ‘extremism‘ — not Islam, of course, and not just ‘Islamic extremism’ or ‘extremist Islam’, which are favorite weasel-phrases of our politicians, but extremism per se. Whatever that may mean to people like Theresa May, and however they define it. Obviously they are implying that the rightful people of the UK, the indigenous White people whose country the UK is, are also among those in the sights of the government — if they dare to criticize Holy Diversity (particularly, but not limited to, moslems) or immigration. We’ve seen how the governments in Europe have gone after their native indigenous White citizens if they so much as questioned immigration policy, or said an unflattering word about immigrants themselves. Twitter (and probably other social media sites) have colluded with the totalitarians in charge to zero in on people who said impolitic things online.

If Theresa May is proposing this, likely all the Western governments are going to act in concert to clamp down on the free speech of their own citizens who are deemed ‘extremists’, and that would include dissident bloggers and commenters.

I’ve said it before, and never yet got an ‘amen’, but I am becoming more convinced that most Western leaders, those in Europe especially, have already surrendered to Islam. Look at May herself, with her headscarves, her obsequious attitude toward her Islamic ‘constituents’, and now, communiques in Arabic. More and more it looks to me like surrender is a done deal, a fait accompli, (how does one say that in Arabic, Madame May?) and the hapless citizens who are to be made dhimmis are going to be the last to catch on, the last to be told.

Even Italy, which Italian-Americans have often boasted would never tolerate what the weaklings in Western Europe have allowed, is ferrying ‘refugees’ to their country, not just fishing them out of the Mediterranean for humanitarian reasons, as we were told. Italian ships are still going obligingly to North Africa to fetch these ‘refugees’ and deposit them in their new home in Europe.

So far, Eastern Europe appears to be a holdout against this kind of insanity, but will that last? Will the globalist powers-that-be truly be content to let Eastern Europe alone, or are they just biding their time, or getting Western Europe subjugated first, hoping that the rest will fall in line in due time, when they too are targeted for dhimmitude?

In any case it looks like much of Europe has in fact thrown in the towel, and the quislings are firmly ensconced as the puppet ‘leadership’, May and Merkel being pre-eminent.

May speaks ominously of “one truly United Kingdom.” There can be no naturally united kingdom in Britain that is a hybrid of Islam/Sharia Law and the true English tradition. Oil and water cannot mix. Kipling was right in saying (of East and West) that ‘never the twain shall meet.’

The latest attack in the UK

The most recent terror attacks in London come very close on the heels of the Manchester attack.

Are people really becoming jaded to all these things, inured to them, incapable of being shocked or (imagine!) outraged, finally?

Katie Hopkins, Daily Mail columnist, tweeted to the mohammedan ‘mayor’ of London that ‘London bridge has fallen down, on your watch’, and she said that the people did not want to hear one word from him on the situation. I wonder why? Maybe because he said, in a jaw-dropping comment after one of the (many) attacks that terrorism was just ‘part and parcel of life in a big city’ today? They are part and parcel of life in Western countries — if those countries have moslems residing in them. It’s not ‘life in the big city’ as such, but life in any locality with mohammedans. Just the truth.

The media coverage of these ongoing bloodlettings is becoming very ritualized and rote. What new thing can be said on these depressingly familiar occasions? Whatever one says in these situations, it has to be suitably politically correct, carefully crafted to avoid offending any nearby moslems, or moslem-symps, who might be in the vicinity, or there will be weeping and wailing and talk of ‘hate speech’ and ‘Islamophobia’, or talk of dismissals and firings for some if they are in a public position.

And that last point should be kept in mind when people are jumping on the bandwagon to condemn the English/the British, as always happens when Americans discuss these events.  Americans are often very quick to condemn and sneer at ‘the Brits’ as being cowards, weaklings, and a beaten people.

In defense of the British one could say ‘but they are disarmed by their laws and their government’, but that too is taken as proof of the ‘whipped’ nature of the British, or the English in particular.

But are they in worse shape than we are? Sure, we have the First Amendment, but it’s increasingly being weakened, and ‘hate speech’ laws, formal or informal, are being used to deny our freedom at every turn. We still have a First Amendment on paper, but…

As to our right to bear arms, which I fully support as did our Founding Fathers, ‘they’, that is the forces of subversion who seem to be in the drivers’ seat, are working night and day to take that right away.

Are we doing enough to counter their frenzied, non-stop, round-the-clock efforts? Are we? Or are we showing signs of being jaded and resigned ourselves?

Many Americans online express an idea that there is some genetic deficiency among the British or the English, which makes them more passive and less militant than we Americans. Some do acknowledge that the English were once a mighty people with the world’s largest empire, but they think the English aren’t the same people they once were. Sadly that could be true — but it could also be said of our folk too.

I ask myself, what have our many terror attacks in this country done to galvanize us to close our borders, especially to those of the ‘Religion of Peace’? Trump talked a good game but has upped the refugee numbers considerably since taking office.  All the while more mosques and ‘Islamic centers’ sprout up around our country.

9/11 inaugurated the age of large-scale terror attacks in the West. Granted there had been the occasional attack before, including the somewhat unsuccessful attempt on the World Trade Center. But there had been terror attacks going on regularly against Western people since the 70s at least. So we have had years to deal with this problem and to recognize the nature of Islam, and the threat it poses. Why are people still surprised when they do these things? There is still a layer of denial on the part of many complacent Westerners.

The Fort Hood massacre should have had greater repercussions as far as awakening our folk — but now it seems mostly forgotten. Texas, once one of the most conservative and common-sense states in the country, is now the home of many moslems. Texas, too, is now being demographically changed, mostly by Hispanic immigrants, but then today’s Texans are now much softer on accepting our long-time foes as ‘fellow Texans.’

Diversity of whatever kind weakens us, damages our social and cultural integrity, and sets us up for predators to come in and finish us, psychologically if not physically.

Some years ago, before most of us had become accustomed to Islam in our midst, and when most of us gave little thought to the possibility of terror in our own country, I was visiting friends in London, and they were expressing displeasure with the increasingly visible immigrant colonies in their city. They wryly talked of all the ‘robes and turbans’ that they saw in their city, but to me it seemed a minor thing at the time. It took some years for me to start to notice that Americans were being surrounded by ‘diversity’, and from increasingly alien cultures. There are English people who feel just as many honest Americans do about this situation, but because of draconian ‘hate speech’ laws and a more totalitarian government, they are not able to have their voices heard — just as we aren’t heard in the controlled media here, and people who think as we do are relegated to the ‘dissident’ wing of the blogosphere, while outlets like YouTube, FB, Twitter, and even Pinterest make their venues inhospitable to politically incorrect (read:truthful) ideas.

Being unable to express ourselves freely, we can’t make our voices and our ideas — which are the only ideas that stand a chance to save us — heard. Remember the old Norman Rockwell illustration of an old-fashioned American town meeting? In those days people could say their piece, have their ideas heard — and those ideas could be accepted or rejected on their merits. Nowadays people have been trained to shun ideas that our ‘masters’ have declared anathema, off-limits, and they are no longer mentally free to evaluate ideas independently, especially the young, who are thoroughly indoctrinated, mentally crippled.

Decades of heavy mind-conditioning by the controlled media (including, and especially, the ‘entertainment’ sector) as well as by government agencies, schools, (private and public) and plain old peer pressure have made eunuchs of many people in White countries.

So it isn’t just the British who are vulnerable; we can’t condemn them when we have done so little to try to stop the Islamic threat in our own country. The bell tolls for us too.

Reconstruction history distorted

With all the shrill clamor for the destruction of all Confederate monuments and images, there should be more examination of the history of the South, especially the Reconstruction era after the War Between the States. But I suspect this history is never taught in our schools, not even in the South, or worse, that some version of the history of that time is being taught, but it is a one-sided, anti-White version.

I am focusing for the moment on Louisiana’s history, because that state is the scene of the latest vandalism of Confederate statuary and monuments — and there are demands from insatiable lefties to destroy even more such monuments. Is anybody trying to counter the propaganda?

For the moment it seems the anti-White left has the megaphone and they are making sure they put their side of the story out there, so that the unthinking and uninformed amongst us will agree that yes, those hateful, odious statues and symbols have to go; because slavery, because Jim Crow.

And why were there these social restrictions that we refer to as ‘Jim Crow’?

If you search the Internet for an incident called the ‘Colfax massacre’ or something similar, you will find a lot of information which presents the familiar pro-black slant on the incident. Was it a massacre? A riot? Whatever happened in Colfax Grant Parish, people died in that incident. According to the PC version, the victims were innocent black people.

But rather than reading the story as told by some hack lefty writer, or some politically correct academic, let’s go back to the report from Joseph Pere Bell Wilmer, who lived during those times and had actual knowledge of the situation. He describes how the Radical Republicans and their ilk, including carpetbaggers, Southern renegade ‘scallywags’, and assorted others, incited fear on the part of blacks and deliberately provoked violence. Sound familiar? Today’s counterparts of those malicious talebearers do the same thing in our media daily.

‘The murders and assassinations which have defiled our land with blood, are thus explained. With such elements of mischief seething and raging beneath the surface of society, any other result would be almost a miracle. No complaint is heard of Federal soldiers being murdered or molested through the South as the German soldiers were murdered during the occupation of French territory — no violence, no attempt at resistance to Federal authority. The disturbances are local, and in no instance, within my observation, have the whites been the aggressors.

The safety of the negroes had been as inviolable as that of the soldiers, if their behavior had been as discreet and unaggressive. The melancholy tragedy in Grant Parish has been proclaimed far and wide to the prejudice of the white people in this State. The fact has been strangely withheld, that before this event, so deeply deplored by our citizens, the negroes had rushed to arms, whole families of the white community had been frightened from their homes by insulting forays and threats of extermination; some escaping across the river, and others to the woods — one dear child, to my knowledge, having perished from cold and exposure in the forest — and another already dead and laid out for burial was madly flung into the public street.

“Prior to the attack on the fortification at Colfax,” I quote from a letter addressed to me, by the excellent rector of the adjacent Parish, “the negroes had driven from their homes every white family in the vicinity. A reign of terror has been inaugurated, and they had threatened the destruction of the white race in three parishes. Their deliberation to sack and burn the town of Natchitoches, Alexandria, and Pineville was openly proclaimed. Almost the whole negro population was armed, and prepared to carry into effect this perfidious design against the whites in the event of their being able to maintain themselves at Colfax. They courted the assault, being confident that they could annihilate the attacking party, and this being done, the country would be left defenceless, and they were to sally forth upon the work of destruction.”

I add the testimony of one of the victims, in his dying moments, one of the few white men that were killed, that he had thrown away his arms and had entered the building under a flag of truce raised by the negroes, when he received his mortal wound. Nothing is more calculated to excite a maddened crowd to the work of indiscriminate destruction.”

I mention this incident especially because it is being cited, here and there in the media, as one of the ‘reasons’ why the rest of the Confederate monuments in Louisiana must come down.

But there is another side to the story; their anti-White narrative is the only side that is being offered.

I have a particular interest in Louisiana; I have many happy childhood memories of South Louisiana. During recent visits to that state, I’ve noticed that there is a push towards the ‘rainbow’ view that Louisiana is a happy multicultural state where everybody loves everybody and there are no divisions, no color barriers. Yet the events that happened at the time of Hurricane Katrina (now consigned to the memory hole, and denied by the usual media suspects) contradict the pollyannaish multicult version of life in that state.

History cannot be erased completely; the monuments, sadly, can be pulled down, and the politically incorrect and inconvenient facts buried or sent down the memory hole, but the after-effects of the past cannot be waved away. They must be dealt with; they cannot be repressed and wished away forever, not with all the happy-clappy “we’re all one people” mantras.

And certainly, people like Mitch Landrieu, the racially fickle mayor of New Orleans, with their relentless anti-White tone, do not present a ‘one big happy family’ image of New Orleans or Louisiana.


‘The load of calumny…’

“My duty will have been discharged, when the load of calumny which rests upon this people is lifted, when the story of Southern outrages against negroes and their allies is explained, and the Church of Christ is rescued from the suspicion of winking at lawlessness and crime — holding the nation breathless at the persecutions endured in the cause of equal rights, without a sigh of remonstrance from those who call themselves Christians.”

So wrote Joseph Pere Bell Wilmer in his ‘A Defense of Louisiana’, written during the troubled Reconstruction era. The ‘load of calumny’ to which he refers has to do with the accusations made against the White citizens of his state, and against the South generally, by the White allies of the black freedmen.

I feel the same burden that Wilmer felt; I somehow feel I have a duty to my folk and to my own ancestors, specifically, to answer the ‘load of calumny’ that not only continues these many decades later, but continues to intensify.

But let’s let Wilmer speak:

“To what is this tending? Nothing is more practicable than the cultivation of harmony among the States of this Union. Not less practicable, is the restoration of amity and affection between the two races in the South. Our hope is to live in peace with the negroes, ourselves and our children — but not while a respectable body of citizens are busy in segregating them and nursing distrust and alienation in their breasts; not while the public journals are teeming with accusations unknown in political warfare and foreign to the spirit of civilization, invoking upon the white race the restraints due to a turbulent and sanguinary people.”

I can’t say I share his optimism about the possibility of restoring ‘amity and affection’ between the two races; things have become that much worse since his words were written, and so much water has passed under the bridge. And I don’t think that it is now just a matter of troublemaking White traitors sowing distrust and animosity between the two races. If only it were that simple.

“Posterity will read with admiration, not unmingled with regret, of the patient struggles of the South to recover its forfeited rights in the Union. The privileges of representation first proffered were rendered imaginary in this State. Its representative men had all been in arms, and these by the will of Congress were excluded. This act of discrimination was not accepted by the people. From motives honorable to their spirit of chivalry, but fatal to their returning prosperity, the opportunity was lost to the Southern States to recover their influence in the councils of the nation.

[…] That the Reconstruction measures adopted by Congress for the South, were punitive in their design, I will not assert; that their aim was to establish the supremacy of a party, it is not my province to judge; that they were disastrous in their results, will be the verdict of history.”

One of the aims was to establish the supremacy of the Radical Republican party in the South, in case the allusion above is not self-evident. The Radical Republicans were the equivalent, in their anti-White tendencies, to the Democrat party of our day — or shall we include today’s Republicans in that category too? Why not?

“A more consuming policy could not have been devised. It excluded the statesmen of the land, and a large body of its ablest and best citizens, from any share in the rehabilitation of the State, and exalted to the highest functions of government, men wholly ignorant and incompetent to the task, bewildered indeed by this sudden transformation from slaves, into magistrates and rulers. So perilous a change was not wise statesmanship. The capacity of the Africans for government had been tested on their own native shores. Again, in the Islands of the Gulf of Mexico. The attempt to transfer to this race the fairest portion of the South, reckoning on their numerical strength to hold it under their sway, was to laugh to scorn the lessons of history. Ought we to be surprised that the inhabitants, — proprietors of the soil, men of our race and lineage — should revolt at this offence to their pride, not to speak of the inevitable spoliation and destruction of their property. Witness the result — in the present condition of this State, vividly, but imperfectly described in the message of the President to Congress, and the testimony before the Committee, in this city. Was anything else to be expected from African supremacy? A state illustrious in history, unrivalled in its resources, intense in its submission to Federal authority, reduced to shame and bankruptcy. Over its ample domain, or the larger portion of it, the eye ranges hopelessly for some object to break the monotony of suffering. Homes dilapidated and deserted, fields stretching far and wide uncultivated as a Libyan desert, schools suspended, churches closed, and when opened, half the congregation left to guard their property and homes from spoliation. No law exists against vagrancy, consequently in many parishes little or no stock is raised, no poultry, not even vegetables, so unsparing is the spirit of depredation. Disgrace is never attached to stealing from the whites, among a large class, and the convict emerges from the penitentiary with no sense of shame, and no loss of respectability. Indeed, the forbearance displayed by the planters under these outrages, if the facts were known as I know them, would often be regarded with amazement.”

I realize many of these facts are known to Southern folk, but I reiterate them for those who never learned of these things in our politically correct, anti-White school system. I happen to know that many private schools, sadly, even Christian schools, are just as derelict in their duties of teaching real history to their students.

And it’s important to provide some context for this controversy over the history of the South, and the wanton destruction and censorship of the history of the Confederacy, and the blackout (!) of any information about Reconstruction.

We need to be aware of the other side to the story rather than relying on the ‘history’ as related by Mitch Landrieu’s speechwriters.

More on this subject to come.





And again



I am troubled by the latest attack in Manchester, England, and sickened that this cycle goes on, needlessly. I do feel deeply for the families of the victims, and my prayers are for them.

However I am not sharing the above ‘meme’ with the motive of inspiring more teary ‘candlelight vigils’ and statements of unity (“we stand with Muslims”, as the millennials like to say). There have been far too many of those and to what avail?

And as I’ve asked, rhetorically of course, to what ‘god’, exactly, are the usual soppy prayers being offered up? More importantly, to what ‘god’ are the victims being offered up? Because they are, seemingly, being offered up by the powers-that-be, for what? An appeasement? An offering to whatever evil gods of whatever far-off-lands may require the sacrifice of innocents?

To give some of the ‘bleeding-heart’ types their due (if they have that right; I am not sure they have), they may be well-intentioned in their feeble, wet-dishrag way, with their prayers and their ‘standing together’ and their teary appeals. But can they really believe that the true God, the God of the Bible, accounts the perpetrators of these atrocities as just as much ‘his children’ as those who worship him in spirit and in truth? Are murderers and victims all equal in God’s eyes? Does God really love them all the same? Is God really morally neutral? If this is the ‘god’ these bleeding-hearts invoke then they are worshipping some kind of heathen deity who does not differentiate or judge morally. Such a ‘god’ is deaf and blind and offers no comfort or consolation. Above all, such a ‘god’ as these post-Christians pray to does not offer justice. As such, he/she is not a ‘god’ at all. So prayers are of no avail. It is no wonder help is not forthcoming to the nations who have decided to bow down to this god-who-is-no-god.

And to some extent, our nation is prey to this same post-Christian delusion that plagues most of Europe, as well as Australia and New Zealand and Canada.

On a simply human level, why do the nations who are the targets of these attacks not finally get angry that their kinsmen are being killed, picked off randomly, in incidents like this? If someone was picking off their family members like this, would people still react with resignation and tears and hand-wringing, rather than reacting with righteous anger and some attempt at healthy self-defense? There must be some deep mind-conditioning going on to cause this passivity and resignation.

One final note: I am waiting to see the first allegation of a ‘false flag’, and the first claim that there are ‘crisis actors’ and staged scenes to fool us into believing a real attack happened.

If this is true, if the powers-that-be are resorting to having to stage fake terror attacks, then the Moslems are falling down on the job; they aren’t earning their keep in our countries, not doing what they were brought here for.

A propos of the New Orleans vandalism

On Confederate soldiers_from God's War by Wilson Vance

The above is a quote from Wilson Vance, in the book God’s War.

It is ironic how quickly our society descended from a kind of burying the hatchet between North and South, to absolute hatred and intolerance of anything to do with the Confederacy. The younger folk out there may not believe this, but before the Civil Rights Revolution (or would coup be a better word?) the great men of the Confederacy were not vilified but mentioned favorably in school textbooks used in the North, and the official position was to treat the Confederate dead as honored fallen, much as were the Northern soldiers. However since the malicious talebearing of certain ‘civil rights’ organizations since the 1980s, the left (and much of the ignorant political ‘center’ in this country, if such a segment even exists) have become as people possessed. I say ‘possessed’ is not too strong a word; it is not hyperbole by any means, judging by the foaming-at-the-mouth attitudes and behavior of the anti-Southern left. They are possessed (I would say truly, in a Biblical sense) by malice and destructiveness when it comes to all the symbols and heroes of the Confederacy. Like their ‘daddy’ and exemplar, Satan, they never rest, and never will stop in their fury and vandalism until every last Confederate symbol and monument is pulled down, trampled on, spat on, burnt, or crushed. Next to be the target of their destructiveness will be the few people who even attempt, peaceably, to oppose their ugly rampages.

Wilson Vance was right when he said the graves and monuments of the Confederate fallen should be guarded, cared for, and honored. Instead mobs of ignoramuses and historical illiterates are committing their acts of cultural vandalism. Those who stand by and watch, without feeling so much as a twinge of outrage, are just as bad as the ones wreaking the destruction. Not to take a stand is itself taking a stand. There won’t be any neutrals in the conflict that is seemingly brewing.


‘Unvetted’ refugees

I doubt if anyone reading this would be surprised to read in The New American that the majority of ‘refugees’ (and immigrants, for that matter) are not vetted, or are vetted very poorly. I’ve said it before as have many others, but the woman, Jill Noble, who is at the center of this New American piece is saying these things as one who has some direct knowledge. Josh Tolley’s interview of her on YouTube has attracted over 125,000 viewers, and apparently the information she offers is new to them.

Noble says that many of the ‘refugees’ are mostly men, from Africa and the Middle East — whose names are not even known for certain. And they obviously come from what used to be termed ‘backward countries’ where thorough documentation or identification are unreliable and spotty, to say the least. I will point out that this is true of most of the countries which are sending us ‘immigrants.’ Our media, much as they lie and obfuscate about these things, mention that many immigrants who are arrested have multiple identities and their true names are never known for sure in some cases. So it is not just the ‘refugees’, but many immigrants too. No need to point out the foolishness of our policy of taking these people at their word. Deception is not unheard of among them.

Surely Western countries — which seemingly are the only desired destination for these people who supposedly ‘fear for their lives’ — are viewed as the world’s pushovers, a lot of gullible and easily-duped people. We invite this attitude on their part by our lack of common-sense. Even “conservatives” who think of themselves as tough-minded are prey to the tendency to feel sorry for these poor people ‘just looking for a better life’. Then there are those squishy ‘conservatives’ who feel flattered to fill the role of the World’s Savior.

So, though Donald Trump promised to ‘vet’ incoming refugees, I think it’s just window-dressing, meant to assuage any doubts, and to reassure those easily-pleased followers, who accept a vague promise to ‘do something.’ The truth, which this video seems to reinforce, is that vetting incoming refugees (and immigrants from the Third World) is just not possible.

Those who are content to rely on ‘vetting’ are kidding themselves or they are simply blind followers of the leaders they admire. That in itself is the source of many of our woes as a country: blindly trusting leaders.


Who’s culpable?

It’s become wearisome to even post on a terror attack when they predictably happen. Don’t misunderstand me; I am not expressing indifference to the victims, or to the country, whichever European or White country, where the latest attack occurs.

If anything, I care too much about the victims, thinking of the waste of human life and potential, especially among our besieged folk, and about their families and all those who loved the victims. Lives will be forever changed. I heard from an acquaintance in New York, after 9/11, of a little girl, a classmate of my friend’s twins, who lost both parents on 9/11. That little girl would now be 22 or so. Surely her life was changed irrevocably.

No doubt what happens in Britain, where the bones of many generations of my ancestors are buried, troubles me especially. I understand that many Americans feel no particular kinship to people in Britain, and considering that so many Americans now lack any genetic connection to Britain, I suppose they can’t be blamed for that.

Kinship, blood ties matter, even in a country which conditions us all to ‘civic nationalism’, telling us that birth on American soil makes brothers of us all. Not true, and even less true in today’s Britain, as illustrated by this now-viral photo from London yesterday.aliennation

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. There’s a reason why that photo, of all those available, went viral.

Meanwhile, the smarmy heads-of-state, after an event like yesterday’s, mouth their usual platitudes about ‘unity’, ‘coming together’ ‘reaffirming our nation’s values’, (meaning openness to outsiders, however hostile they are, and coerced diversity). Theresa May and as the Moslem mayor of London both recited such statements, though the London mayor was brazen enough to tell the British people that they had better get used to this kind of thing; after all, it’s “part and parcel” of life in a big city now. As I recall some official in France said roughly the same thing after an attack there. Will the passive and docile citizens of Western countries continue to accept this phony, condescending rhetoric about ”our values” or about “diversity and unity” — which, by the way, are opposites, and contradictory? Or is the passivity and docility merely an outward show, hiding inner misgivings and resentments?

The most disgusting bit of rhetoric, which is even used by many on the nationalist right, is the now-hackneyed statement that ”immigrants/Moslems are not the problem, only symptoms; they are just pawns in a game being controlled by the real powers, so it’s useless to direct anger at these pawns. They aren’t our real enemy.” The more liberal variation on this ‘argument’ is employed by the churchian types, who think ‘hatred’ or even honest anger, is wrong; if we give in to it, we are just reacting and playing into the hands of the enemy. If we do that, then ‘They will have won.’ Supposedly by refusing to show fear or act defensively, we are winning. Right.

Trouble is, who are the architects of all this? The shadowy ‘elites’, the globalist overlords? We know a few names; everyone’s heard of Soros. For some people, Jews are the ultimate cause behind the scenes, and the people who hold this view are often those who claim that immigrants are not the real problem. For others, the powers-that-be are simply the global corporate movers and shakers, the mega-rich, who are transnationalists and cosmopolitans, with no allegiance to any nation or people, faithful only to their own greedy interests.

Many Christians say only ‘spiritual forces of wickedness’ are truly to blame; everyone else is a pawn.

But without knowing who, exactly, is behind all this, and who is calling the shots — as they keep themselves mostly concealed — how can we act at all? Do we need to know the ultimate cause in order to save ourselves? Is it not more important to take steps against the visible agents of evil? It seems to me that that’s the only thing we can do: to focus on the proximate cause, the obvious and immediate actors in all this.

And who are the known actors? Elected politicians, hand-picked by corrupt political machines, who seem to be puppets acting for the shadowy elites. Then there are the traitorous and malice-driven ‘progressives’, antifa types. The media,  who seem to be nothing but lie merchants and ideologues, hostile to the real people of the countries they inhabit. And the Others, the colonizers, interlopers (whether legally or illegally), people with generational grudges against us and our countries.

The problem is not the Others alone, but at the moment it’s they who are killing us and our kinsmen in other countries.

The picture above illustrates that they are not of us; not us, can never be part of us.

The London attacker was born in the UK, showing that being ‘native’ to Britain no longer means much, if one is of foreign blood and origin, and especially if Islam is factored in.